Photo: Private archive
Photo: Private archive

“OK Method” is the programme for the audience development, stimulation of youth creation and rejuvenation of public institutions and art and culture organizations. It was created in the Theatre of Šabac, between August 2018 and December 2020, where its author, Milena Minja Bogavac, was the director. Invited by the ASSITEJ Serbia, the author has turned the story about one good example of gathering of the young and their participation in the promotion of culture and cultural life of town of Šabac, the story about numerous indicators of positive experience and measurable results, into a handbook “OK Method: What, How, and Why?”
The handbook is a simple, clear, and professionally written guide about the method which involves and links drama pedagogy, work with young people, and work in culture. Clear and inspirational, it is a precise guide and support for the creation of programme created in theatre, but which could be easily adapted to other public and cultural institutions interested in the development of their audiences. The author presents many possibilities, examples, and suggestions on how to adapt the method to specific conditions and needs of the institutions and organizations that are invited by ASSITEJ to apply for the mentorship of the ASSITEJ team and start working as soon as this autumn with the young from their towns.