Photo: From the archive of ASSITEJ
Photo: From the archive of ASSITEJ

The quality of childhood and growing up has been questionable for the past several decades of our civilization, which smugly calls itself progressive, since many generations have been exposed to the terror of fear based on a series of consecutive crises. Meanwhile, the world claims to be democratic, proclaiming that every child has the right to a safe and healthy childhood, accompanied by the right to good education, culture and age-geared art. All the true, caused, or imposed crises bring about uncertainty that generates fear, paralyzes thoughts, and actions, or provokes aggression. The one who also belongs to this sort of reality is the artist, the creator who knows that art cannot prevent a war or a pandemic, but who firmly believes that art experienced in childhood can echo throughout life and prompt questions about existence, meaning, loneliness, community, and, eventually, offer comfort, hope, and encouragement.
Next year, ASSITEJ Serbia, the association for the development of theatre for children and young people, will host the biggest annual meeting of artists and performing arts practitioners, ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering by the international ASSITEJ association, that Serbia belongs to. The word “artistic” in the title is by no means accidental, since this event focuses on opening the space for the meeting between artists, creators, researchers, where they can exchange artistic notions, ideas, practices, where they can reflect upon and explore the topical issues in performing practices for children and young people, and for a justified demand by the young for support and a proper place and appreciation in the society. ASSITEJ Serbia, as the host, has dubbed this important event the World Conference of Theatre for Children and Young People “Turning Point”, which will, for the first time in the history of the network, put the focus on Serbia and the region. This unique opportunity gives us a chance to draw the attention of numerous guests and colleagues from abroad to our specific common experiences, and especially to our professional performing arts scene for children and young people.
The world conference in 2023 should offer various programmes of different kinds and create a meeting point for colleagues from the whole world. Our idea is to mark a turning point towards a different direction, which would finally create a space for an unobstructed and constructive dialogue among the practitioners and all the participants in the creative process and make the art for children and young people visible and more relevant. This interactive presentation will introduce the concept and invite the discussion. ASSITEJ Serbia is interested in the opinions of young professionals and the representatives of other fields that address children and young people and care for them, which should help us all locate the point that would help the Turning Point turn into a direction. We hereby invite you to join us and share your expectations and interests, your needs, and suggestions.