Photo: Private archive
Photo: Private archive

Dialogue platform “Fireworks in a Can” introduces the concept of Person-Idea, which came out of the research conducted by Ana Marjanović Shane on a tumultuous meeting of young founders of one democratic school as a stimulus for the creation of an imagined democratic theatre founded by high-school children. This programme involves a presentation of drama-literary analysis of the idea followed by the participants of the tumultuous meeting held two months after they had founded their own democratic school, when they confronted each other about everything they think School meant. Following Bakhtin’s idea of polyphony concept and the analysis of the characters from Dostoevsky’s novels, Ana Marjanović Shane construed four Person-Ideas, fictional people that embody these four ideas. This is an invitation to enter the confrontation ourselves, to search for our own Person -Idea in the dialogue with these Person -Ideas. Ana Marjanović Shane is one of the founders of the University of Students UniS, founded in Philadelphia.