Photo: Ivan Zupanc
Photo: Ivan Zupanc

Do we know how to change ourselves? We, who tend to erase the boundaries between the Artworld and the Life world? You, who hold workshops and dialogues, who follow discursive and emancipatory practices? All of those who work with young people and who often use words like participation, commoning, equity? If society builds its institutions by the power of social creativity, called by Castoriadis radical imagination, it has a dynamic structure and can be more or less permeable although constantly in flux. Change is necessary, not only as an outcome of major historical upheavals or systematic intentions, but mostly through the production of meaning which conditions the constant process of self-creation. How are personal and social changes related, then? And how are we dealing with the illusion of heteronomy these days?
In the end, we will talk about the book, published by Geopoetika in September 2021.