Photography: Jakov Simović
Photography: Jakov Simović

What purpose does theatre serve?
Do we even need it today and what for?
Who are the ones it addresses and how?
Who are the ones it is intended for? 
And who are the ones who create it?
Which issues does it raise?
How do those issues correspond with the reality?
Theatre has always strived to be a meeting point, a point of dialogue and of exchange of opinions. A space for thinking about social reality and exploring it. And yet, the reality nowadays seems grim.
In the time of pandemic, wars, forced migrations and environmental disaster, which only make the already difficult life conditions in the world of extreme economic and social inequalities worse, Bitef 56 has chosen its main topic to be the one of labour, labour laws and dignified treatment of workers in the contemporary world.
As a festival that promotes not only artistic but also social emancipation, Bitef offers, this year, a chance for dialogue, re-examination, exchange of opinions and experiences about the topic that concerns us all.
However, what is it that theatre can do for the ones whose work rights are violated? And what can we, theatre-makers, and audiences, do?

As a theatre worker, I keep asking myself this very question, and I believe my colleagues do the same. Still, I am sure we cannot find the answers on our own. That is why it is important to get together and open discussion. 
Theatre festivals, events of specific collective experience, represent a perfect opportunity for such a dialogue. The dialogue is sometimes established between the one(s) on stage and the ones in the audience, but we do, sometimes, have an opportunity to take another step. For years now, Bitef has offered that opportunity through Meeting the Authors, and I believe it is important to use it.
As the moderator of the follow-up discussions, I have an intention to create an atmosphere for all of us, from both side of the curtain, to discuss some difficult, important, sometimes even painful issues, and to feel safe.
Let’s speak up about what concerns us all at 56th Bitef!

Tijana Grumić