
About Bitef

About Bitef

Founded in 1967, through the initiative of Mira Trailović and Jovan Ćirilov, BITEF (Belgrade International Theatre Festival) has continually followed and supported the latest theatre trends, becoming thus one of the biggest and the most important European festivals.  Transcending all political and cultural borders, for the half of century Bitef has managed to keep its pace with a tumultuous evolution of performing arts. Thus, one could identify the history of Bitef as a ...

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BELGRADE INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL – BITEF is one of the oldest, most relevant, most prestigious events and a rarity in the family of major world festivals. It was founded by a decision of the Assembly of the City of Belgrade as a regular annual event of particular importance for the City of Belgrade on 26 December 1967.

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Bitef and Environmental Protection

Bitef and Environmental Protection

Since simply drawing attention to environmental protection issues is not enough, the Bitef team has launched activities that are aimed at reducing the negative environmental impact of the everyday functioning of the festival’s team, while organizing events with audience during the duration of the festival, within the abilities of the Bitef team. So - we have decided to move on from words to deeds. What does that mean practically? When printing ...

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56Bitef22: Closing Night

56Bitef22: Closing Night

IETM: Field Trip to Novi Sad

IETM: Field Trip to Novi Sad

56Bitef22:  (Not) The End of the World PHOTO GALLERY

56Bitef22: (Not) The End of the World PHOTO GALLERY

56Bitef22: World Without Women & Dr Ausländer (Made For Germany)

56Bitef22: World Without Women & Dr Ausländer (Made For Germany)